Software, The Internet, and The One Man Show - Novelr - Making People Read: "March 28, 2009 – 5:29 am
Panic Software ProductsBefore the Internet, software companies plied their wares through brick-and-mortar stores, in handy little diskette drives the size of folded pocket-handkerchiefs. It was a smaller industry, back then - Microsoft was still getting a start in IBM’s god-forsaken armpit, Apple had yet to discover the GUI, and almost everyone was working with a command line interface. It was also a simpler time. It wasn’t too hard for a well-placed, lone programmer to whip up some fancy app and pass it on - via diskettes, perhaps, with a healthy dose of door-to-door spit - and land himself a nice contract at some new-fangled, pre-bubble Valley startup. And that was, for a few years, enough to live by."
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- *Sat, 00:31*: Miss Fane’s Baby is Stolen (1934)
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